5 Points to Check Before You Buy CBD Online

cbd isolate

CBD has raged into 2019 as one of the fastest-growing industries of the year. Every month hundreds of companies have begun flooding into the market. Earlier consumers were limited to a few product options; however, today, they can get online and pick from hundreds of different brands and dozens of different product options such as e-liquids, beverages, topicals, and more.

The problem in the CBD industry is it is unregulated, and because of that, consumers are frantically purchasing CBD online based on what’s trending or which brand can entice them. Often, this formulates an environment where low-quality products can be misrepresented as high-quality products. This can lead to wasting money on low-quality products, not getting the advantages you need, and sometimes, even risking your health due to unstable ingredients in a product.

In this article, we present five things you should always check to ensure you get high-quality CBD oil. 

  1. Testing by a 3rd Party Lab

Before purchasing any CBD product, the first thing you need to verify is if the commodity has been tested in a 3rd party laboratory. If it has been examined, then lab reports for that Product should be readily available somewhere on the company’s website. Without a lab report, there is no means of verifying what’s in that product or if it’s safe to use.

  1. THC levels in the Product

While THC is legal in many states, it is illegal in most of them. For a CBD product to manage its legality, it can only hold a certain amount of THC. Depending on the state, the highest amount of THC allowed is 0.3% to 0.5% or less. This is the quantity that is generally considered to be safe and shouldn’t trigger any psychoactive effects. Unless you reside in a state where THC is legal and are purposely exploring a product that contains THC, it is essential to confirm that the Product you are looking to obtain contains less than the proper amount of THC allowed in your state.

  1. Ingredients Used

The next thing you should examine carefully is the Product’s constituents list.

What type of ingredients are applied in the Product?

Are the ingredients mentioned at all?

Are there a lot of ingredients which are unknown to you? If there are, quickly do a Google search and check their side effects.

Positive aspects to look for in the right product are whether the Product utilizes organic and all-natural ingredients or if the Product includes premium ingredients that were added to heighten the benefits of the Product (Melatonin in CBD sleep capsules or Vitamin B12 for pain relief). 

  1. Type of CBD Used

When buying for CBD products, consumers are confronted with the option between products that contain “Broad Spectrum CBD,” “Full Spectrum CBD,” or “CBD Isolate.” Understanding the distinction between the three, and which type is used in a CBD product, is extremely critical to know.

  • CBD Isolate is considered the purest CBD as it is derived from the hemp plant and then isolated from other harmful components, resulting in a 99% pure CBD extract.
  • Full Spectrum CBD is obtained from the hemp plant with every other cannabinoid intact, including THC.
  • Broad Spectrum CBD is Full Spectrum CBD, without the THC.

As per your necessities and the legality of THC in your state, a full spectrum CBD product may not be fit for you. Try a product made with CBD isolate or Broad-Spectrum CBD.

  1. Extraction Method

There are numerous different methods of extracting CBD; however, CO2 extraction is the norm because it is reliable and delivers a pure end product. CO2 removal maintains the purity of the CBD and does not contaminate the end substance. Only buy products which specifically mention CO2 removal.

Not sure where to find CBD? Try CBDOILS.com for high-quality CBD oils!



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