5 Facts You May Not Know About CBD

CBD Facts

Although much heed is paid to the properties of CBD, ones that are most often quoted by its users who find it helps them enhance their overall health and wellness, there are still essential pieces of information that slip through the cracks. CBD is rapidly gaining popularity in the market because of the several benefits it offers. However, you may have missed a few facts about CBD.


Independent research is critical when using CBD, as FDA regulations often prohibit manufacturers or distributors from offering specific health-related facts about CBD products. Here are five facts about CBD that you may have missed.


Our Favorite Facts About CBD:

1) The Effectiveness Of CBD Does Not Dependent On Its Source – CBD can be found in all cannabis plants in different concentrations with the same CBD properties. Industrial hemp is the material used for your federally-legal CBD products, as it offers a high CBD concentration with a THC concentration of 0.3% or less by dry weight. This allows manufacturers to deliver potent CBD products that won’t make you feel high. In states where other, high-THC cannabis items are now legalized, the myth continues that hemp CBD is less effective than marijuana CBD

CBD has a defined chemical structure, and it is this structure that allows it to work with your body to create specific reactions. This myth persists because users who are accustomed to marijuana’s psychoactive effects will not get those same effects from hemp-derived CBD, and they equate this difference in experience as being less potent.


2) CBD Is One Of More Than 100 Active Elements In Cannabis – While it gets the most part of the attention, CBD is not the only thing that can help you feel better. The truth is that cannabis is replete with cannabinoids and terpenes that work with your body and bring about the effects of CBD we’re most familiar with. With full-spectrum or whole-plant CBD products, you get the advantage of something called the “entourage effect.”

This effect refers to the point that while you may be using a CBD product to get premium CBD to support your endocannabinoid system (ECS), it’s bringing a whole slew of supporting effects with it. Research has shown some of these compounds, like myrcene and linalool, may have properties that enhance your health and wellness and, when paired with each other and CBD, can have a synchronistic effect.


3) Pets Too Can Benefit From CBD – Yes, this is probably a little better known or at least estimated, if only due to the prevalence of pet CBD products. Some people tend to ignore the facts about CBD use for pets because they think it is just another marketing gimmick aimed at gullible owners. Many of our furry pals, however, have endocannabinoid systems (ECS) that are quite similar to our own.

The feline and canine endocannabinoid systems can both benefit from CBD’s properties. Their doses should be customized to their lower body mass and systemic needs. Instead of giving them a dose of your CBD, look for specifically designed CBD products for your animal friend. Pets absorb CBD very differently than humans, so finding a product that is right for them helps ensure you’re getting a safer product.


4) CBD Dosage Can Vary By Person – As CBD is not a drug, there isn’t a standardized dosage. Instead, there are dosage forms that may show a set amount of CBD, but it’s up to pet owners to figure out the right overall amount for their requirements. This variance can be difficult for some people to grasp and leads to problems understanding the facts about CBD’s wellness potential.

The effectiveness of a CBD product depends on its quality, your body’s tolerance, and how your metabolism processes hemp. Determining the right CBD plan for you means not only research but self-evaluation to discover your body’s successful regimen.


5) Preparing Your Own CBD Foods And Drinks To Dose Is Simple – CBD edibles are a prevalent way to get your daily intake. It can be quite effective, fast, and as simple or complicated as you want. This is largely due to CBD oil being a purified form of hemp oil.

One of the interesting facts about CBD oil is that it can substitute for oils in most recipes that require an oil of some sort. This means it can be added to porridge, salad dressing, baked into delicious desserts, or added to your favorite beverage. As long as you don’t raise the dish’s temperature above 220 °F, you would not see any damage to the active compounds.


Where should I buy CBD oil from?

CBD industry is unregulated. This has given rise to many companies who provide fake products. We want you to be healthy and safe while using CBD oils. We use CO2 extraction to guarantee purity. Our products are not just natural but also 100% safe. 

Not sure where to find CBD? Try CBDOILS.com for high-quality CBD oils!

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